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Laetitia's Diary
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Alright, i know i hadnt been diligent in updating my blog frequently enough. (Actually i had been neglecting it literally.) SOoooo many things were done in the past months but i'll not be posting photos of any sorts. You can call it plain laziness. hahha~ Go to my FB if you want. So, here comes.(:

Well, i had finally went to the docs for my stomach! they said that based on what i experienced, mostly likely i had the IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and after the first dosage of medication which didnt helped improve my conditions, i was sedated and went into operation. In case you were thinking that i went under the knife (haha!), no i did not. It was merely a very very minor operation where they will insert a camera-tube (okay, i really forgot what is the term they used :p) through my bowel and take pictures to see any abnormal lumps or infections which caused me the frequent pains. Well, it looked normal, but was still given another type of medication and it has since improved. Though I had stopped taking it like for a few months already. My next appointment will be year end, or early next year, couldnt remember. hahaah. anyway i'm glad i'm better now~~

So, had finally brought my baby girl Cherry for check-ups. Initially it was because she couldnt open her left eye (which had been operated before to remove her in-grown eye lashes) and i was so afraid that she had to undergo yet another operation. Luckily, it seemed to be just some minor infection. And i took the opportunity to ask about her skin problems. She had me spent over S$300.00 over for her now, and the final straw is: her skin problems might not be caused by food/hormones/infections, so I had to let the vet run a blood test for her on the environmental factors. This signication test, which will use her blood against 48 environmental factors, will have to cost me S$320.00!! i think i can vomit blood. but atlas, i do hope to treat her fully till her skin is on top-notch condition. after all, i love her so damn much! <3

My 21st birthday went fairly well. People turned up, presents received, wishes appreciated, and bellies full with good food. And my colleagues turned on me with their creams left from the cake and made me Lady Gaga (what with the hot-pink coloured cream!!) omfg!~ and before that i was treated to a snowy-white flour shower! hahhaha! what great schemers they were, but i had a blast! an awfully fun and blessed birthday!! (: Thank you my lovely cousins, boyfriend, mama, ah mi & daddy, bro and his gf, colleagues, ex-colleagues, sec sch friends, buddies, girlfriends and Terri, who came after midnight with her boyfriend! Thank you all people, for letting me know that i'm loved (even if you'd pretended to be loving me :p)!

Liying's 21st went well too. Except for the fact that I had unpleasant views on her best friend JY (oh yuck! we had the same initials o_O) even before I've meet her in person. I, uh.. shall not elaborate much since she's a nobody here~ QL and I met Mei Xin (LY's polymate) and we went to decorate the function room at the condo right above JP. And we didnt finished the whole decorations as LY has reached the mrt already. So after meeting the birthday girl, i got her a pair of heels (which then literally made her a true giant beside us both due to her originally awfully tall height) and we went into the toilet for the handicapped. I did her make-up and suggested that she changed into my purple korean-styled gown since we're going "fine-dining". She believed us of course, and had a shocked of her life when she entered the room we brought her to! Aww, I truely hope you wont hate us for this LY, for we had only the bestest and truest intention on our minds to bring this celebration to you. We just wanted to make it an unforgettable one, for you~ :D

QL's 20th was awesome too! we went ktv at Cine, then we had dinner at Long Beach Seafood @Demsey (omg~ the food~~ droooool), had a little walk to PS Cafe where we settled for cakes, drinks and wine. Which caused me to vomit after, and i guess all the cocktail and partial of my dinner went into the drain! HAHHAHA! LY and I had designed a cake ourselves the day before. But this "unappreciative" QL spoilt ALL my surprises i had for her! LOL~ she knew there was a cake, and she knew my paper cat-chimes was not the real present i had for her. so there, the cake was beautifully and creatively decorated, but it tasted like shit; she read the card i prepared for her while she sang absently before she trailed off totally; and she loved (i assume) the Dior Addict2 perfume that I had specially placed in the Darlie box (which she saw right through my schemes, darn!) and i'm happy. May i be sloppish and say, "It filled my heart with warmth to know that you've liked/appreciated my efforts in all that i've planned, QL. Even though you might have fake it!" hahha. :pPp

So i had been going for interviews recently. That's my latest update. Actually, I've only been to two. haha! My first was at Berg Propulsion, where i was rejected. Mainly because i had given them a very bad first impression: I lost my PSLE and 'O' Level certs, knowing only the night before the interview! So i can do absolutely nothing about it. Sigh, but i was told that they find me inexperienced. OH well, no use brooding about it now. I didnt really like the atmosphere there anyway. No, serious! I wasnt being hateful or whatsoever due to the results. But i really thought they look way too serious for my own good. The HODs' room were all glass-surrounded, meaning no walls at all! that goes the same for their meeting room. And that makes me feel so, so... bared/naked in there. But today, today I went to another interview, at Aberdeen. Guess what? I really like it there! And so i think, if i didnt get it, i might feel depressed for a few days~ lol! but the interviewers were really nice people. and their office is cosy enough! Well, crossed my fingers. Crossed yours too, please? hahaha (:

Is it me or...? hahha. I'm tired already! hahhahhahaha. Another time perhaps. Ah, maybe if i really do get the job :D then i shall come back here to annouce! oh god, wish me tonnes of luck! i needed it~ ^-^
Friday, March 12, 2010

Took half day off to get these ladies done for their prom night. Actually it's supposed to be my lil' cousin only, but alas~ hahhaha. i'm so proud of myself and Qiu Ling (partially, coz of her fair complexion! hahha!!), although I have no experience in make-up at all. NICE!

Ta-dah!!~ The end product! arent they lovely?? (please only see the faces. oops! HAHA~) You love me, dont you babe? (:
Thursday, March 11, 2010

i rarely rarely rarely go out after work. but i just did today. cool..

had dinner at Fish & Co. was halfway through when Alan suggested a movie. oh great. i have no intention to go home too late as tomorrow i still have to go cuzzie's house to make-up for her! zzz. but... oh well! if this makes him happy~ (: so he bought tickets for Alice in Wonderland in 3D for 9.10pm. meaning i still can shop around before that. yay! at least it's still something!

he brought me to Citigem to look for the necklace that I was previously eyeing for Jo in Vivocity (but didnt get that for her because it cost $500++!!). and wow! he actually knew that I like it (alright, it's no biggie. of course i like it, since i picked that first!), plus he actually wanted to get it for me! (you know i so love you, baby ^^) luckily, the store DONT have it! hahhah.. i heard someone's saying that i'm crazy now~~~ yepp, i am. i thought it's rather waste to get something for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS and hang it around your neck which not many people may notice anyway. LOL!

anyway, i only bought a nail glue for that little QL. gotta turn her into a mini princess tomorrow. hopefully i can succeed without too much cork-ups! wait on, ♥love♥! (: 

P.S. Alice is nice, as in graphics and characters (especially the Queen and Johnny Depp♥). other than these, the storyline is quite boring actually. yawn!
Sunday, March 7, 2010

eat, eating, ate, eaten.

so many people. so noisy.

sleepy eyes. tired mind.

fake smiles. untrue enthusiasm.

all boils down to sleeping too late last night, and then waking up too early this morning. it's a vicious cycle. i shouldnt do this too often. but thanks mama!! for all the wonderful food. YUM!~
Saturday, March 6, 2010

It's yet another 21st birthday. except she's someone closer - Joleen.
"Happy 21st birthday to you, love!!" :DD

met HY at DG mrt before making our way to her house. and god!! HY has a good complexion! earlier she had wanted to borrow make-up from me as she forgot to bring hers out. and when i saw her naked face, it's still quite flawless (take away the dark rings. lol)!

Anyway, Jeralyn, Huan Ying and I had gotten Jo a key pendant necklace from Citigem, which cost $120 plus. (well, i hope she likes it..) and when we reached with Vincent, the house was SO quiet; we thought we had came to the wrong one! hahha.. and we practically sat in her room most of the time: for dinner while Vincent (vegetarian diet since CNY day one.) watched on and for talks when we were back from smoking downstairs. Saw Xiao Shan (plus her boyfriend) and Geraldine when we went to get ourselves a drink at a nearby convenient shop. we, uh... really dont have much common topics ehh. :p

then Jo's living room was SO DAMN hot!! we went out for her cake-cutting and photos and i was sweating like hell. and! each group took one photo only. hmm.. will get Alan to take two for each group on my birthday. and guess what? a camwhore like me only took that one photo today. o_O 
Oh well, just hope she had enjoyed her birthday celebration today. i still gotta wake up early tomorrow as mama is treating us all (relatives) to her house for a feast.

i hope i can make it.
Saturday, February 27, 2010

went Jen's house today for dinner. met Wai Ling at Boon Lay MRT before going as she haven't been to her house before.

had dinner and talked a little. basically just some gossip. zzz..

i had a boring life and kind of enjoying it. uh, well, trying...
Saturday, February 20, 2010

CNY 初一至初三 (Sunday - Tuesday) / 初七人日
See photos alright? There's not much interesting things to blog about. More pictures in FB~

初一 - 四姨's house

初二 - 大姨's house

初三 - went Malaysia Joy's house

人日 20th Feb 2010 - Saturday

these were taken after i came back from Katty's 21st birthday chalet. had given her a gift box, which included ten little things, which adds up of course. oh my~ who's still gonna invite me to his/her 21st?? hahhaa..
Saturday, February 6, 2010

omg. omg. omg. omg. next week is CNY already. and had bought nothing since my payday. -.-

before i went to have dinner with the cliques at work, i went JP (omg!) to get all my cny clothes. bought a shirt at Esprit at $89.90, a halter neck top and a very cool jacket at Purpur, which i forgotten the price. and lastly a pair of heels. i'm really fast eh? LOL!

we had dinner with them at Swensen in Vivocity. not exactly delicious, and it's so expensive. and we had some time left before our KTV starts at 9pm. so we went separate ways. some went to get shoes, some went for clothes. while Alan and i each bought clothings for Boy and Cherry. I cant wait to put it on her! (:

we sang and sang. cried, laughed, screamed, cheered, clapped (with the clappers given by PartyWorld! hahha),jumped, ate~ name it and you get it! hahha. i really enjoyed myself. my voice was so hoarse after that! hhahaha.

Good luck for your future endeavours Cindy, and Happy Birthday Patricia! >_*
Saturday, January 30, 2010

was using FB when i remember i joined a group Victor joined not long ago. it's about a Japanese girl who went through 44days of tortures you couldnt imagine it. she died eventually. and a few years ago, the four bastards were realeased from prison. they were punished slightly because they were still juveniles when they commited the crime. i was soooo engrossed in the reading, until i started watching the videos about her. initially i felt sorry for her, but then my sympathies became fear. i started to feel that she hadnt died in peace and that her soul is still lingering around somewhere!! and the image of her lying on the floor (so vulnerable and helpless) kept appearing in my mind! (yes! i must be going mad!!)

so just now i was sooo scared i called Alan. (lol! my hero~) and i didnt really tell him (he would claimed that i'm crazy, scaring myself with all these shit! hahha.) about all these. just said that i wanted his comapany. and so he brought me to catch a movie, at JP (of course. i have no intention to go out, remember? but since he's being nice so as to accompany me, so i agreed to watch the film, at the nearest available place.). we watched 14 Blades (8 of the blades are for torturing, 5 are for killing, the last one are reserved for suicide when a mission fails! cool huh? lol!) and i was captivated with Donnie Yen (甄子丹)! HE.IS.SO.CHARMING!!
Although i dont fancy men with moustache, but he is really truly handsome in this movie! omg~ i think i've a new crush. lol. nah la~ i missed N.Ryo too. aww~ it's been sooo long since i last searched for his information. i dont even have the time to update my blog!! what with the time clashed with my brother. SIGH!! i want my laptop back!!! if only......
Saturday, January 16, 2010

woke up yesterday feeling a need to do something special for my cuzzie LY on her 21st coming April. (she's just FIVE DAYS younger than me!!) and so i had dicussed with the other little cuzzie LQL (yes YOU!!) to share the cost of chalet and food for her after mine. but for hers, well, we planned on booking the Costa Sands @ Pasir Ris. the double storey chalet. and we'll have to PM her friends on FB to get her friends to come, WITH PRESENTS!! hahha.. :D i cant wait to surprise her!

bro had booked a chalet for me at Aloha Loyang this afternoon already. YAY! good thing we were a little bit earlier. coz most of them were already taken and it stunned both my brother and I! lol. he was saying that i wont feel lonely even if not many of my friends turned up by then, because there were many "others" around to keep me company. -_-"

and the public price shown was $450 PER night. guess what? with the help from Bro, my 3d2n Seaview Terrace T1 cost only $363.80/-!

In case you were thinking which type, it's something like this!
I'm soooooo looking forward to my 21st!~ ^^

then I went JP to meet Alan. we watched Alvin and the Chipmunks. With the addition of the three female chipmunks (Brittany, Eleanor and Jeanette), it became quite messy. you could tell out who was for who at first glance, because the three females were shaped exactly like them (they just changed the clothing, voices, hairs, accessories etc.). it was still a funny movie, just really not as nice. i like the singing part though. hmmm...

i'm still in a very great mood since one stone is lifted from me! i hope i'd have an enjoyable time by then!
Friday, January 1, 2010

it's the first day in 2010! (:  woot! and had my hair done today. it was so rush, i barely have time for meals.

i had soft rebonding and highlight today.

loving it. n_n
Thursday, December 31, 2009

it's the official last day of 2009. there are so many things i've wanted to do but they are not done - yet! like betting on 4D/Toto and winning it, picking up a new language! (i've been harping on it since like, forever~), my Rendang Island, Hong Kong and Bali trips, a visit to the doctor to ask about my very occassional stomach pains and very ugly five-and-ten cents markings on my legs, Cherry's vaccination or a visit to the vet for her dry skin.........sigh. think i could list a full page of things undone. disappointed. really and truly.

had a fall in CK Burn Road this morning. hit the stupid bone right in the middle of my ass, and nah~ no tears, but was damn embarrassed!! although no one (there were Justin, Vincent, and a female auditor whom i already forgotten her name) laughed (okay, i did~), i believed i still had the tomato cheeks. aww~ i couldn't believe it! what a great way to round up 2009!! urrgh.. later in the afternoon came the funny part.

we knew beforehand that Vincent would purposely s l o w down the stock count process just so he could hitch a free taxi ride with us, especially me and Wai Ling since we live around Jurong area. so we had been saying that we'll be going to Orchard for countdown. right there and then, Vincent confirmed again this information and he asked whether he could follow us as HE NEED TO MAKE AN ERRAND AT WHEELOCK PLACE! WL and i were laughing soooo hard we couldn't stop! LOL! (i'd still smile upon remembering it) and we came up with a lousy story at the very last minute in the toilet (big schemes we have lol), and that was WL will come over to my TPY (there's no way he can say that Jurong is on the way to TPY!!!) house for dinner as Celest had cancelled the countdown party due to her girls were crying for her to go home quickly! it was bad to lie this way i know, but we've got no choice. either we be the nice guys and wait till 5pm (or maybe six), or we lie and go home as soon as we're done. well what would you choose? we went home at 4pm that day~ :D

reached home around 4.30pm i think. then, Alan brought me to NYNY at JP (ya i know. you can keep your comments to yourselves) for dinner. was in a really bad mood as i was tired (walked into every corners of the factory), sleepy (try waking up at 5am!), and restless. i don't feel like doing anything at all. not even lifting my hand to brush my fringe off my forehead. i just wanted to sleep!! and Alan, my dearest, had to come over and drag me out of the house. talk about throwing temper! haha.. but he brought me to eat something better than fast food and foodcourts, so, peace out! :p went to buy little little things after dinner. and i bought this:
Liese Bubble Hair Colour!~

so..... i just tried the Liese thing. and wow! i bought Ash Brown and it turned out brown (different from the picture shown of course), evenly might i add. the insides were covered, even my sideburns. hahha. and Alan did mom's hair too, with the leftovers. can you imagine any leftover with my hairlength?? anyone reading this and was thinking of changing hair colour the cheap way, try Liese really ((: and thank you dear, for not forcing me to go out for countdown this last day of the year. i still havent really replenished my sleep. tee-hee~ Happy 2010 btw! :D

P.S. Happy birthday to WaiLing (29/12/09) and QiuLing (30/12/09)! Hope you guys did enjoy the celebration we prepared! ^-^
Friday, December 25, 2009

alright. i'm damn tired of writing about today seriously. so just something brief so that i could remember this day in future when i'm reading old posts. :p

woke up early today. but touched here and there... yeah you got it. was late eventually. and had an arguement with Alan just after i woke up. reason being I wanted him to bring along the kids' presents that we bought last night, but he didnt want to bring them out because there will be other kids at Pat's. I was damn irritated by the way he thinks. urrgh.

we reached around 3pm plus i think. and he was later than me. so i waited at the void deck and sat angrily, mainly because i was VERY hungry. *A hungry person is an angry person* hur~ i said this once in older post before! lol.

we ate, we talked, and we laughed. but actually i was damn bored sitting there. totally dont enjoy sitting there. couldn't fit into their conversation either. (hahhahha) and!!! Alan regretted NOT bringing the presents!! WTF! see? and eventually he went home. to and fro by TAXI! whoo~ are you happy now, dear?? seriously TSSK! and they were chiding him when he was finally back. because this could be avoided!! but apparently he was in a very good mood. usually when i used that tone (like "told you so" and "you should have listened to me") on him, he'll get irritated. he feels inferior when i do that. but he so did not turned his back on me or argue further. he just said it's his money and i couldn't agree more! LOL~ okay. it's not funny. anyway, my anger didn't last long. we took a free ride with Celest's family to Jurong East MRT and went MS for dinner, then movie. We ate at Sakae Sushi (told you he's in great mood!) and it's his treat. (:
watched Avatar in 3D, which he had booked the tickets in the morning. it was amazing! ooomg! forget any 2D shows when they have it in 3D!! i tried taking the glasses off at some point and the difference... arh~ just forget about it if you couldn't get the tickets for 3D. otherwise, you missed something really really great. but one negative point: the front part was a little too loooong and boring; i almost dozed off. i know.. it's to explain the story better but - oh well, it's still a great film! the storyline was excellent, and the graphics just took my breath away! i feel like going into it myself, that's how good it is! and we had a little night walk down to nowhere in particular till we reached the bus-stop at City Hall. another feeling of déjà vu. ooo nooo!!.. we did this oftenly before we had jobs and stable salaries! haha. waited hours for the night rider and i striked a bargain with him. that is to take a taxi home if the bus still have not come in another 20 minutes. i got the deal of course! waahhahha!!

however, fantasy will always remained as that. so.. back to reality. dread the year-end stock count coming 30 December. i hope everything went smoothly. ooo.. ♥AVATAR♥ :D

Thursday, December 24, 2009

BOO!! no half-day today!! really hate the new management. we had half-day last year!!!

received many presents today. office tradition, yeah. and i used up ALL candy canes to give to those whom i did not get a present. yay! not a candy cane wasted!! lol.

anyway, went Suntec's Toy "R" Us and got gifts for Jen's and Celest's kids. it's been years since i last entered any toy shop and it was.. uh.. well.... fun!! lol. although i dont find anything i wanted that badly like how i used to, but it was still a fun trip! going over to Pat's tomorrow and will be receiving one more present~~ ((:

after that, we went to Upper Seletar where Alan's friends were BBQ-ing with their makeshift BBQ pit. my first thought was: "uh.. can i not eat anything?" and after seeing them grill very casually, came my second thought: "my stomach will definitely protest should i eat that!!" and then came the offer of hotdog and i was gladly chewing on it! HAHAHA! but i was constantly uneased and i missed home so terribly. my legs started to ache (there werent any seats. only the ground and i'm wearing a skirt AND HEELS!) and i felt so hungry. and he kept trying to ease me, but to no avail of course. cause' deep down, i'd already made the decision of going home already. and i really hit the toilet bowl the second i stepped home. oh well, it may not be the BBQ food really. i clear my bowels almost every single day~ hehe :p

gotta sleep early seriously. still have to travel to Teban Garden (a place i've never ever been before) tomorrow~ *yawn*
Sunday, December 20, 2009

the last time i bought clothes from G2000, i received a $10 discount voucher from them. and... today is the last day, therefore i went JP to get a simple top.

oh, and i bought some candy canes too. it's for the peeps at work. (sings) Santa Claus is coming.. TO TOWN~!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009

it's the annual class-cum-christmas gathering. still remembered almost the whole class turned up last year, this year..... oh well. seriously. i dont wanna care anymore.
met MJ at orchard first, as i need to get something. then we practically just sat around and chat. till people starting calling me nearing 6pm, the meeting time. MJ went toilet after Don's call. and i told her we'll wait for her at the exact place. Don really gave me a very big shock! and i mean it!! he came with this bleached hair and it's very very striking!! hahhaa. up come Lee Hwee and Yiwen, which i found them at the same time. right after, Vincent reached. we went for a smoke outside and were deciding where to dine in at when HY came! so the seven of us went into Taka and walked and walked~~~

settled down in Coffee Club at last. and were given two sets of very uncomfortable sofa seats. we basically sunk into it the moment our buttocks hit it. and then we gotta straightened and stiffened our backs so that we would not end up lying flat on it! urrgh. my spine was so sored after!!

see?? they were trying hard to sit upright too!

then we went out to smoke and we exchanged our gifts right there at Taka Square! hahhaha. weird, i know. plus, we were standing!

This is (or should i say "are" lol) what i've gotten. sidenote: both are L sizes!! o.O

wanted to catch a movie at Lido but not a single movie was available except for some animation which we all dont feel like watching. so we ended up at McCafe outside. LOL! opened our gifts and took some photos before we headed home. oh well, it's not a 20 people gathering, but i really enjoyed myself meeting them.
See you guys next year (:
Friday, December 18, 2009


omg. i have been working overtime for two days straight. yesterday till 9pm, today till 8.30pm. there's just too many work to clear!! aww.. there is still this gathering with secondary school friends tomorrow!

glad that Jen will be back next Monday, or else...... (i dont even dare to think about it!)
Saturday, December 12, 2009

went JP - again today. dont really feel like it. but the boyfriend wanted to watch The Storm Warriors II. i only agreed because Charlene Choi and Ekin Cheng were in it. moreover, they were together in the movie, so it's definitely a plus!! hahha :p

and visited the new DFS cafe in JP. heard that the reinstatement went very well and the results were superb. and yeah~ it's not that bad.. gone were the blue and red combi, and came this very cool brown though it has the LV feel. hahhaa! i hope more stores will be taken into consideration for this revamp soon.
Sunday, December 6, 2009

met up with the cuzz. only one. and that's soooooo enough!!

i nearly puke my whole way when i went out with Qiu Ling today. she wanted to CHANGE and yet there were so many complaints along the way. (although she brushed it off after every complaints, i still think that she mean it!!) went JP to get her a pair of heels first. that's a very important factor! i know, she is like what? 20meters or something?? (hahhaha!!) but still, one pair of heels is a must (solely my own opinion) for every woman.

then we went expo for the make-up fair and darn! think either we were late (it was the last day of the fair) or it was a faux after all. because every foundation and concealer has only ONE shade and it's like the darkest shade. my little cousin here is DAMN FAIR! how can i let her buy those?? therefore, all we got today was the full make-up (without the very basics), a pair of heels and one book for myself at the books' fair we happened to chance upon! wheeeee~

alright LQL, we'll meet up soon. to get the two basics, and to put through the lessons needed!

P.S. QL i really heart the heels you've got though! wear it the next time you meet me alright.
Saturday, December 5, 2009

wahooo~ i sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang!!!!!

alright, you got my point! hahhaa. woke up very early (to me, yes! it is!!), at 11am plus and used the computer first. was bullshitting-cum-planning with lil' cuzz on msn when HY smsed me to postpone the meeting time.

i'm glad her friend is still working at the Liang Court outlet because there was a 10% discount off our bill. hahha.. and we sang~~ for.. hmm.. 3 to/or 4 hours. with two smoke breaks and one toilet break which is due to the techical breakdown. nearing 8pm, i could feel my ribcage vibrating vigorously and my lips couldnt stop quivering. it was that cold, but i still sang. LOL! after stepping out, then we knew the reason behind the abnormal cold: it was raining.

there were no other choices for dinner at LC, for there were only japanese restaurants/foodcourt. so we ate at someplace on B1. the food was quite okay, but not fulfilling enough. i still felt quite hungry after. i then bought a toothpaste at the japanese supermarket and we headed home.

when home, i cooked and ate a bowl of noodles, and used the computer before brother comes back. guess we'll see each another very soon - christmas! :D

and am meeting QL tomorrow for her "better-person transformation" thingy. hopes she understands the meaning of change=money. alright, young adult? :p
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

zzz.. it's the "monthly" outlet stock count again. Santa, can i pray that next year, all the 1st of every month will fall on either weekends or PHs? puh-lease??~

woke up with a weak stomach, and no breakfast after. was at the roadside waiting for taxi when this fat-trendy biatch came up before me and flagged her hand! uurgh. irritating freak. move off!! but no. before i could really move to her front and do the same, a taxi arrived and off they went. o.O

destination at Gleneagles today. the outlet manager is Jennifer. She was overall, nice.. however she complains silently (or so she thought) to herself too much. i kept hearing her and it's quite annoying. it's like, hello! this is not MY decision!!? i dont want this too. alright, i got it. it's her first time doing it but still....

was literally craving for Cindy's indonesian chicken rice from Lucky Plaza (she went Mount Elizabeth Hospital) but she didnt got them. the store opens at 12 noon and she didnt want to wait. poor Celest.. she wanted to try it too since both Cindy and I (to put in a nice way, we've got good tongues which can taste food) had tried it before and found it pretty good. next time perhaps? (:
Sunday, November 29, 2009

met HY at Orchard this evening. we had all those trashy but delicious (and cheaper) snacks at Taka B1 as dinner. It was good to eat like these once in a while. well, it's... better than fastfood~

she bought a CK perfume for her friend which cost a little over hundred, and Eve helped me got a 15% discount for it. Thanks Eve for that serious! I was hoping to borrow the staff card from closer ex-colleagues like Amy, BiYun, BeeHua or Anna..but was still glad she helped! (:

then i got a little prezzie for the little christmas gathering that I'd organize every year. just for the sake of catching up with those secondary school friends. obviously, no one really do care nowadays. some replied yes, a few expected ones said no, and mostly told me MAYBE. oh come on.. how rare do you meet up with people who you were once closed to every year? with such a big group somemore. sigh. i dont wanna care anymore. come as you wish. to think that i even thought of inviting our former form teacher, Mr Tan. SIGH~

and.... this little meet-up wasnt enough. lol!~ so we planned to go KTV next saturday and i simply couldnt wait for the forth-coming week to FLY by!! omg. it's been months since i last sang. hahha.. and i terribly missed singing through the microphone :p
Friday, November 27, 2009

i was told to just get a new lappie. screen repair cost a bomb ($800 at least) and i might as well get a brand new one. but right now, i'm glad there's still the desktop that belongs to my brother. beats nothing. *self-optimising*

it's public holiday! i woke up late (yay!) and used the desktop for a little while. then i met Alan at City Hall as he said that there's IT Fair (alright, there wasnt~ he remembered wrongly!) going on at Suntec. Spent a little over hundred today, buying a top and pants at G2000. then caught a movie,
The Twilight Saga: New Moon which starrs yes, Robert Pattinson (someone who used to dazzle me. hahaha) and Kristen Stewart. It was a good long two hours in the theatre. the front was kind of draggy and boring; it only got exciting when they showed the Volturi parts in Volterra, Italy. Still feel that the books are much better than movies. hah~

aww.. i want to have my own access to the internet~ ):
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

oh great. laptop's down. technically, it wasnt down, the screen is.

what should i do? loooong weekend is just around the corner!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

it's the "annual" zoo time. i mean, since it's staff benefit, then why not? ;p

but went home after 3-4 hours due to bad cough and weak body. i'm sicked! ): glad i had already taken leave on Monday though. phewee~
Saturday, October 31, 2009

went a little further today - AMK Hub! hahhah. another movie. wanna catch My Sister's Keeper, but we'd already missed the showtime. soooo.... zzz. we watched Jennifer's Body instead.

very lame movie, about succubus. and i find it very unappealing. Megan Fox is ultra sexy and hot! but i believe the director can do a better job than this. she eats men's flesh in the movie which you often see her in blood everywhere. yeurgh~ and Johnny Simmons is incredibly cute. he got that innocent grin although he was supposedly to be portrayed as a nerd. hahha! but still cute nevertheless. :p bought a sling bag for bro's upcoming 26th birthday. wow. we're all getting old.

bought a hairband (10.90) for his girlfriend's belated birthday as well. nothing much, but it's still something yea. sigh. i'm declaring bankruptcy now. who's joining me??
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

to me, payday = doomsday as well. my w910i kept hanging on me and so i decided to get a new handphone. zzz. my plans for this month had to postpone. so, wow! what's my choice?? HTC, the new Aino or Satio?

HTC = out. Cindy used HTC previously and she repaired on her screen like numerous times in A YEAR. no no no.. seriously, i've no time and money for things like that.

Satio = out too. it cost the same as iPhone! come on. S$698?! who are you kidding?

so my last choice is Aino. S$498 + S$100 (my 2 years contract not due anywhere near) - S$40 (my faulty w910i trade-in) = S$558. phew! that's.. quite a sum~~ and no black colour yet. so i reluctantly took the white. (Alan kept reminding me about my faulty phone thus my haste decision.) oh well, white is nice. and i mean it. really nice. but it gets dirty very easily too! aww~ did i make the right choice?? well, guess that's it, for the meantime.

i lurrrve my new phone. and who doesnt? since it's new and smart~ ^-*
Saturday, October 24, 2009

went Jurong Point today. watched Love Happens and it was a borrring movie. Alan and i had the same conclusion: why does romance movies almost always include Jennifer Aniston??? yeah, she's pretty, got a great figure, nice butt and all - but still!~ hahha.

the part which i did teared is when John Carroll Lynch talked about his son in the movie. the longing for a play with him, or a hug from him etc etc. i cried. the loss is there and you could feel it through his acts and talks. it's simply.. heartbreaking. like you wish you had treasured more before bad things happened.
if only this, if only that. dont if(s) anymore. call and tell your love ones you love them, now. ^^