Friday, December 25, 2009
alright. i'm damn tired of writing about today seriously. so just something brief so that i could remember this day in future when i'm reading old posts. :p
woke up early today. but touched here and there... yeah you got it. was late eventually. and had an arguement with Alan just after i woke up. reason being I wanted him to bring along the kids' presents that we bought last night, but he didnt want to bring them out because there will be other kids at Pat's. I was damn irritated by the way he thinks. urrgh.
we reached around 3pm plus i think. and he was later than me. so i waited at the void deck and sat angrily, mainly because i was VERY hungry. *A hungry person is an angry person* hur~ i said this once in older post before! lol.
we ate, we talked, and we laughed. but actually i was damn bored sitting there. totally dont enjoy sitting there. couldn't fit into their conversation either. (hahhahha) and!!! Alan regretted NOT bringing the presents!! WTF! see? and eventually he went home. to and fro by TAXI! whoo~ are you happy now, dear?? seriously TSSK! and they were chiding him when he was finally back. because this could be avoided!! but apparently he was in a very good mood. usually when i used that tone (like "told you so" and "you should have listened to me") on him, he'll get irritated. he feels inferior when i do that. but he so did not turned his back on me or argue further. he just said it's his money and i couldn't agree more! LOL~ okay. it's not funny. anyway, my anger didn't last long. we took a free ride with Celest's family to Jurong East MRT and went MS for dinner, then movie. We ate at Sakae Sushi (told you he's in great mood!) and it's his treat. (:

watched Avatar in 3D, which he had booked the tickets in the morning.
it was amazing! ooomg! forget any 2D shows when they have it in 3D!! i tried taking the glasses off at some point and the difference... arh~ just forget about it if you couldn't get the tickets for 3D. otherwise, you missed something really really great. but one negative point: the front part was a little too loooong and boring; i almost dozed off. i know.. it's to explain the story better but - oh well, it's still a great film! the storyline was excellent, and the graphics just took my breath away! i feel like going into it myself, that's how good it is! and we had a little night walk down to nowhere in particular till we reached the bus-stop at City Hall. another feeling of déjà vu. ooo nooo!!.. we did this oftenly before we had jobs and stable salaries! haha. waited hours for the night rider and i striked a bargain with him. that is to take a taxi home if the bus still have not come in another 20 minutes. i got the deal of course! waahhahha!! however, fantasy will always remained as that. so.. back to reality. dread the year-end stock count coming 30 December. i hope everything went smoothly. ooo.. ♥AVATAR♥ :D
Thursday, December 24, 2009
BOO!! no half-day today!! really hate the new management. we had half-day last year!!!received many presents today. office tradition, yeah. and i used up ALL candy canes to give to those whom i did not get a present. yay! not a candy cane wasted!! lol.anyway, went Suntec's Toy "R" Us and got gifts for Jen's and Celest's kids. it's been years since i last entered any toy shop and it was.. uh.. well.... fun!! lol. although i dont find anything i wanted that badly like how i used to, but it was still a fun trip! going over to Pat's tomorrow and will be receiving one more present~~ ((:after that, we went to Upper Seletar where Alan's friends were BBQ-ing with their makeshift BBQ pit. my first thought was: "uh.. can i not eat anything?" and after seeing them grill very casually, came my second thought: "my stomach will definitely protest should i eat that!!" and then came the offer of hotdog and i was gladly chewing on it! HAHAHA! but i was constantly uneased and i missed home so terribly. my legs started to ache (there werent any seats. only the ground and i'm wearing a skirt AND HEELS!) and i felt so hungry. and he kept trying to ease me, but to no avail of course. cause' deep down, i'd already made the decision of going home already. and i really hit the toilet bowl the second i stepped home. oh well, it may not be the BBQ food really. i clear my bowels almost every single day~ hehe :pgotta sleep early seriously. still have to travel to Teban Garden (a place i've never ever been before) tomorrow~ *yawn*
Sunday, December 20, 2009
the last time i bought clothes from G2000, i received a $10 discount voucher from them. and... today is the last day, therefore i went JP to get a simple top.oh, and i bought some candy canes too. it's for the peeps at work. (sings) Santa Claus is coming.. TO TOWN~!!