Friday, February 6, 2009
My mum woke me up at 630am this morning, and the minute i opened my eyes, a sharp pain cut into my head! I thought it was because of sleep-deprived, so i tried to close my eyes to sleep for another 15 minutes or so, however!!, i couldnt as the pain was too much for me to bear. after i had decided to take MC (my mum psycho-ed me to it) today, i tried to search for panadol. So i asked my mum for it as i remembered she's the last person to get panadol from me - but no! she said she dont have it and i began walking aimlessly around the house, looking for two pathetic pills! uurrghhh.....
I tried my best to sleep, after i applied some ointment to my temples, but i couldnt. The pain - i couldnt decribe it in words, but i really got that helpless feeling. my brother returned home from work not long after, and (thankfully!) he found me some panadol and i took two before hitting the pillow again. i really tried, i mean i practically forced myself to sleep as i believed by sleeping, the pain would be lifted from me. before i lost my "conscious" and fell into lala-land, i dashed into my mum's room, into that toilet, bend over the toilet bowl and vomitted. water came gushing out from my mouth as i pinched my nose ever so tightly. at this moment my chest was getting very full, and tight and i found myself burping, except that the "contents" of my vomit replaced the burping sound. it was that bad, really.. then i began to feel a burning sensation in my throat. tears were trickling down due to the tensed muscles in my face. i dried my eyes with my right sleeve and looked at the "content". It appeared that i had vomitted some blood! i wasnt scared at that moment, but was rather amused (haha!) and quickly asked my mum over. She was telling me to go to the doctor when the clinic opened at 830am.
After vomitting, my headache seemed to get a little teeny weeny bit better. i did not fall asleep once i laid in bed, but after much struggling, i did sleep a wink. I couldnt really remember the doctor's words, but anyway, after i came home, i ate bee hoon soup, took my medicine, and i slept throughout till i woke up at 2pm+. phew, it was a hard day. but today it's Patricia's, Shannon's and Cherry's birthdays!! for patricia's (since i was not in any of the pics), please go into my facebook for the photos. and here's to Cherry girl~~ :D

I even gave her some cake (she's not allowed but...) since it's her birthday. Oh, come on...once in a year, it wasnt that bad eh? Anyway, i do feel better now, without the constant piercing pain in my head. and thanks Eng Yen and Mei Jing, for asking after me in facebook *touched* :D
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Dear's cousin got a gathering at his new Yishun house today. housewarming-cum-newyear-gathering. Alan even apologised to me beforehand, because he's afraid that his relatives wouldnt give me. -.-"Anyway, it was an okay trip. I received more than S$50 (didnt really count because more things happened at a later time). Then we went Northpoint as i wanted to purchase a Levi's jeans with the old jeans exchanged still going on. But the staff there!! uurgh... whichever design that i had chosen, which is between S$129.90-139.90, they DONT HAVE IT! so i got frustrated and get the person to get me a few of my sizes (27 or 28) and guess what? all prices she got for me ranged between S$159.90 to S$179.90!!! WTF!?? i ended up getting a pair which cost S$169.90 which Alan helped me to pay for it. However he seemed to mind opening his dad's red packet to him as he didnt have enough and i forgot to bring my cash out. I was very moody today so i flared up before he had a chance to blink his eyes. After buying, we did not try to make any conversation or what. Back at his cousin house, i got even more angered. For what reason i seriously dont know, but i just talked as if he had stepped on my tail!but he was being the nice guy again. he kept asking me what happened to me and i replied," this is me, it's not the first day you know me!?" and he quietened down. :s sucks, big time!
The DIVA ♥