i kept getting frustrated at Alan because he wouldnt allow me to get any gift for his Grandma (it' her birthday) and i couldnt possibly go empty handed, could i? however i did not buy anything after all.
we went Compass Point to get the party trays (imagined these werent for his Grandma's birthday; it's for his mother's mom, and there is NO occasion going on there. he just really love his mom's side relatives more) first then to his mom's. tried his uncle's wife's cooking. she claimed it's her second try at cooking and insisted that we give her some comments. Well, it was an okay meal. not totally inedible, and she was so much in awed; like she had won the lottery but was doubting her luck. *roll eyes* we left around 5.30pm and I FELL down a few stairs after coming out from the elevator! oh.my.god. this is shit. everyone saw because i was in front with Alan when i slipped. the book Breaking Dawn (the last book of Twilight and i'm gonna missed the whole saga terribly. guaranteed a reread after that :p) flew out of my hands and landed with a thud on the stairs beside me. i laughed silently at myself (i mean, how is that possible? hahaha...) while the rest of them asked after me. Alan was downright correct about me: i was, and still am, clumsy.
Alan's Grandma's house was packed, so packed the house was stuffy despite there were three fans. and it was noisy! i couldnt even read my book under such "commotion"; it sucked the hell out of me. we went down a few times for me to smoke. and we used the webcam to take a photo at the table. i didnt know it can looked so well. (: though i do look quite fat. look at my double chin~ hahaaa...
ate a little more at the buffet and had a slice of cake (by the way, i definitely have had better cakes); didnt feel like being rude to reject his uncle's outstretched hand. then, it was time to go. thanked god!

it's the first time i sat at the very back of a seven-seater car. Alan was trying to negotiate with me then. obviously he wanted me to go to his house so that his dad could drive us all home after his uncle dropped off at his, instead of "wasting" the extra petrol by sending me home and back again. not that his dad minded though, he just feel more for his family members. so he offered me a few bargains. he knew i wanted to get my mum a digital camera, therefore he offered to pay 70% of it. i started to ponder (and his dad was nearing their house real soon) and he said he would agree to whatever things i want. and so, i demanded he pay for my cosmetics and he agreed steadily before telling his dad to drive straight home. *evil laughters* 
THANKS dear~ ^^ anyway it's my mom's birthday (sorry mom, you will only received your little prezzie next week~) tomorrow and Jo's the day after. so now i know three birthdays that would happened consecutively in early March.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OF YOU GUYS!! and please! try not to suck all the money out of my pockets 'kay?