i ate some chips while waiting for them to set up the barbeque "pit". i couldnt wait to roller-blade, but i was hungry - to the max. we ate satay, otah, chips, baguette bread, fishball; you name it. and then Celest arrived with her family after that. Wendy didnt come (as promised lol), Wailing was sicked in bed and Yvonne came and went so quickly. hahaa.. so that makes... 12 of us, excluding my Cherry. hur... Alan and i went to the rental shop for our blades soon after Celest's husband came back with a rented bicycle with him. It was so fun roller-blading, but i was kind of unbalanced initially. and somehow, i had totally forgotten how to stop myself in my blades!! omg.. i was so unstable that i kept yelling at Alan (i dont want to bang right into strangers!!) for help! LOL~~~
and i saw Terence on the way. he called out to me, but i was blading a little too fast and wasnt able to stop (yeah, my memory is failing me) in time before i flew past him with a "hey.. hello~". hahaha.. then i was taking picture with my handphone-camera when we were back.

we were packing up soon after we heard thunders roll through the sky. and we fled to the Mcdonald's nearby and waited (impatiently) for a seat. Alan was the only one being optimistic about this whole thing, saying that we were paranoid and that maybe the rain wouldnt come after all. no one listened anyway. lol.. and the rain fell heavily not long after we were seated! there, we chatted a little and the kids had fries while i kept yawning while eating my McFlurry ice-cream. Celest left in a taxi first, then when the heavy rain dropped to a drizzle, Jen's family left too. i went back to Alan's house then.
after bathing Cherry (leaving her to Alan to dry and comb her), i took a quick shower and was feeling so relaxed, tired and lazy. hehheh... but we went Causeway Point to get dinner first. so, he wanted me to stay again, and tried to make bargains with me. seriously, i'm not such person. you know, as in, give me something and i'll listened to you. no, i'm not. there's only one main reason (aside from some others :p) i dont like staying at his place: i cant smoke in his house. this is enough to drive me crazy. so you see, his family dont smoke at all. that makes me the odd one out. and i seriously dont like stepping out (what with the opening of door and wearing the slippers!) just for a cigarette break. urgh.. but at the same time, i dont really wanna hurt his feeling.... haiz~ he ended up getting me SK II Facial Treatment Essence! lol~ $96 for a 75ml bottle. then he got me a Toscano sling bag as birthday present, which i love it, to death!!! it's exactly the one (i'll post the photo up here when i got it. he's keeping it, for now) that i wanted and i cant wait to bring it out. :p guess that's about all for today. my upper arms are aching now. lazy bums get these aches easily! lol~