hy bought a very pretty dress in Wisma and changed out of her stained top that instant. well, she has slimed down quite a bit, no doubt. i was still the same old chubby me. -.- lazy to the max, and i wonder why. haha..
had our buffet dinner at Carousel @ Royal Plaza on Scotts (thanks to her mum's birthday that i'm treated to a very sumptuous meal! and thanks girl, for paying!! :p) but i wasnt exactly feasting like i would have. but that's just because i had diarrhoea in the morning and i'm afraid too much raw food will revive my sickness. eurgh. sickening. her mum, brother and his girlfriend came late as they were SINGING at Cineleisure. why bold for singing? cause' that what we planned initially but hadnt go for it!! ): given her mum a bottle of Yomeishu 养命酒 as birthday present and had taken photos for them using hy's digi-cam and my polaroid. was fun however! ^^
This was taken using my own digi-cam in the restaurant, but well, as you can see. it's extremely orangey in there! lol~ hy took this shot.
this was taken in my bedroom so it's clearer. well, i took this picture, so i can re-take it under clearer settings. (:
after dinner, it was like... er 9 plus? i think. anyway, singing is out for now. ktv on a weekend night could cost a bomb and i really dont think i can spare any more cash. neither do i want to be treated further. therefore hy grabbed me to Lido and see whether are there any available movies that wouldnt end too late but we will be in time to watch the starting as well. so i ended up being treated to - again! although she has no qualms in doing so, but still. thanks darling~ we watched
HY - ktv the next meeting (by hook or by crook) alright? i'm dying literally, to SING!~ :D