Went out with dear today. i was so happy my pay came in last night and as promised, alan brought me out to get all the twilight sequels. Spent alot today. i got my privileged card from Kino which cost twenty over dollars, my three books cost $50+, nearing $60. the bad thing is, i didnt managed to get my Ticket to Ride. Neither do Kino or Borders have it, so i was quite disappointed. this book was recommended by Robert Pattinson (him again, yeah) in an interview and i really wanted that! :p then we watched Marley & Meand Pink Panther 2. It's nice, watching two movies in a day. something we hadnt do since.... dont know when. hahaa..
Marley was SO cute in the movie. i've got a tissue paper in my hand even before the movie started. and i did cried several times during the show, because it either made me think of Jiajia or Cherry. it's so damn touching; i couldnt stop crying at the end of the show. and i kept reapeating in my head that i'm gonna treat Cherry better, better as in love her, care for her, bring her for walks and such. i.. i dont want to lose her. sure, she's just like any other dogs, but in my heart, she's way better. ^^ well, this goes for everyone who has a pet at home i guessed.
Pink Panther 2 was not as funny as i thought it would be. but overall, it cracked me up at times. i LOVE how Emily Mortimer speaks. she got a really heavy french accent which i dont really understand but loved it anyhow. it's cool. as for Steve Martin (the pink panther), uurgh... it's a trouble listening to him talked. it's hard to catch his accent. it's FREAKING hard!!! lol~
we went to Chicago's Steakhouse for dinner after that. it cost me a bomb man. $83 something. and i paid $50 for it. but it was a really sumptuous meal. the last time i spent so much was during CNY, but this was better, with my books and all. it's cool.... and i just love all the food in stored in Alan's house, if only there's a smoking room or something..... LOL~ which was impossble. I've started reading already, and it's captivating. i shant continue anymore, since my mind is on the book itself. reading time again - for now. (: