yesterday i met up with Stephen, Jenny, Vincent, Don, Huan Ying and Joleen. we had dinner at Phin's Steakhouse in Cineleisure and Jo and Vincent left early. one is sending her boyfriend into camp, the other was going into camp himself. lol...

after Jo left, we went for a little "walk". LOL~ well, i couldnt find citibank atm anywhere! oh gosh.. i led them on a wild goose chase. :p by the time we went back to Cine to take love gety, Vincent had to go. urrgh.. my fault and i apologised~~ so that left five of us only. awww... anyway, i had fun taking photos with them!! it was hectic, but so fun~

soon after decorating the photos and all of us were perspiring like hell, everyone left~~~ hahhaa.. Don had to go (book-in, like Vince), Jenny was meeting up friends, Stephen left because Yiwen wasnt able to come afterall. well, at last only Huan Ying stayed and we went BK to sit around and she urged me to open the presents they gave. lol.. then we met up with Albert and they were saying to go to the ktv at Jurong Entertainment. i was so touched; they mentioned going there was because it's much nearer to my house. however, it was closed! i should have known this, because our Delifrance outlet had closed down due to this factor!! LOL~ so Albert drove us to Party World at Civic Centre instead.
and they surprised me with a slice of cake from Starbuck~~!! omg.. it was so unexpected!! there~ moreover, they were singing me birthdays song in multiple languauges. hahhaa..
while i still hadnt overcome my shock, my song came next. :p it's a pity i forgot to take a picture of that sweet cake though and i could feel my tears welling up in my eyes. Thank you HY my dearest friend and of course Albert, who went to get that cake.
the day eventually ended, with lots of laughters and talks. before i alighted from Albert's rented car, i even shouted a "Love you guys!" and ran away. hahaa~~ why the running i had no idea! :p
Alan gave me a long hug once i entered through the door at 1am+. and he cooked me supper while i was showering. :D
the next day i woke up, feeling really emotional. i was agitated in one minute and i was suddenly crying in the next. hahaa.. anyway, Alan brought me to watch Handsome Suit. Actually you have to use their Japanese accent, which literally became "Hund-sum suit-tse". :x LOL~ it was a good movie. entertaining i should say. not too bad.. then we had dinner at Sakae Sushi and ordered quite alot. hehe.. Alan kept pressing me to buy some things (clothes, or shoes..) since it's my day. but i kept telling him it wasnt necessary especially since i didnt let him go on a shopping spree on his~ :s hurhur... plus i was too tired. hadnt recovered my usual self and dying to go back to his house, then to go home. there's still work tomorrow!! once home, i arranged my presents from all dear friends, colleagues, family and dear. ^^
seriously, thank you everyone. i had fun and i hoped you guys did (somehow) enjoy yourselves too. love you guys~!