last night my brother just gave me the present that he bought. i didnt know if he bought this with his girlfriend or not, anyhow, it's blue and i remembered i told him (a few weeks ago, when he asked what's my favourite colour~) i like red. it's still thoughtful though. Thanks bro. (:
Then colleagues and Alan suprised me at lunch with pizza delivery, cake and presents. CK pouch - w.o.w~ it must have cost something, and it's blue again. hahaa..

Frozen blueberry cheesecake. it's nice except for the sourness from the blueberries. :D
Jen broke her fork and i mentioned it as knife in facebook! lol....
With the leftovers, we went over to surprise Seng Wai (although we do feel about it :s) and he was surprised!! lol... happy i could tell..
we had the same birthday - 20th April~
the one and only candle, which couldnt be blown. seriously speaking, i think it's just because he used too little force and had blown at the wrong angle. it's not what prank or trickster candle that he claimed it was. -.-"
and the pretty card from Wendy, since the present she was still preparing couldnt come in time. anyway, thanks a hell lot Wendy. appreciated seriously!
and the paper bag Jen wanted me to put on. hahah... she was saying that i looked like the pet in Pet Society where they have weird hats on sale.
Overall, i really enjoyed myself on this very special day organised by them and dear Alan. they were really thoughtful. thanks everyone. and i'm looking forward to Sunday to meeting up my dear friends for post celebration. weee~~