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Laetitia's Diary
Saturday, June 27, 2009

yay! i was earlier than HY!! lol..

met her in Plaza Sing today. we bought a snack at B2 and went out to the open space outside of the mall where there's seating. there we began all our updates, eat and smoke too. both of our news were sad and happy.
HY: she had broken up with Albert already. and she sounded determine not to patch things up even if he apologised and promised to change. she said Albert is all bout the extremes. when he is nice to her, he treats her like the princess (which she deserves to be~). but when he's in a foul mood, he can start an arguement over the most trivial thing in sight. but whichever way she had chosen, she's bound to have my endless support. HY, as i said before, be happy for yourself! (:
mine: i've already bought the air tickets to Taiwan for 10Aug - 15Aug this morning! two tickets for $604 (including tax charges, insurance and the extra 20kg baggage), which means it's only $300 per person! ^^ but, the thing is: my dad wants to borrow $600 from me. sigh~ will he return me all the money before i leave for Taiwan? will i have enough to thoroughly enjoy myself once i'm there?
for HY, hers was a sad case, which she managed to try to be happy. mine was a happy thing, which became a sad one. lol~ anyway, HY was being really supportive and caring. i was touched, when she offered to borrow me her savings first. but i declined with a thanks and a half-smile. i was grateful, but i dont want to ever borrow money from others for entertainment cause! it's so senseless and stupid.

after that we walked around a little in PS. then we moved on to Cineleisure. but on the way, we were sweating soooo much we decided to go into OG for a little walk. we then went over to the new shopping mall opposite. it was grand, big, classy - but empty. hahah.. only a few shops were opened for business. guessed it's not that settled yet. there HY managed to get an off-shoulder dress which she had been searching quite fruitlessly. i didnt buy anyting though. well.. i just couldnt afford to right now~

at Cine around 6pm, we booked a movie chamber at the earliest slot for 8pm and left for dinner first. Sakura steamboat was full-housed so we had our dinner at Jack's Place at Heeren. Heeren used to be a hype and interesting mall, but it's ghost town now. few people were seen shopping, and we didnt even have to wait for seats at Jack's Place! our meal cost around $50 and initially i rejected HY $20 to me. but she managed to convice me to take it and that i will pay for the movie chamber which cost $16plus i think. we chose
Detroit Metal City from the long lists of "older" movies and this movie was so LAME. but i like Ken'ichi Matsuyama's role, in the death metal band Detroit Metal City, as the costumed and grotesquely made-up "demon emperor" Johannes Krauser II. the face was so coooool.. hahha!! however, was somehow glad that i didnt watch it in the cinema though. hehheh~~~

then Alan came and HY went over to Clark Quay to meet Jeralyn around 10pm++. Alan then bought tickets for movie
Drag Me to hell. i was told by some people that this movie was very scary and the sound effect was damn good despite the lousy storyline. and Vincent doesnt believe that i'm immuned to horror movie. well, this proved it! Alan jerked twelve times (yes i was counting :p LOL) during the show and i jerked once, and that one time only. i was careful not to let his fingers entwined with mine, and i held onto his wrists just in case. :pPp hahahhaha!!!

by the time we reached my house, it was already 4am in the morning. phew~ i was so damn sleepy by then. shit, my body is getting older!! i couldnt take late nights anymore! but Taiwan!! ^^
Friday, June 26, 2009

OMG~ my colleagues were discussing real cheap air tickets recently and i hadnt have a clue until this morning! Jetstar is offering air tickets to Taiwan which is only S$200 over per person but the deal is: you have to go by twos. wow~ $200!! normally when i checked airlines' websites, tickets to Taiwan cost about $400 over per person, and that's excluding all the taxes and compulsary insurance! practically begged Alan to go together and he agreed! woo-hoo~~

but i havent book right away. this promotion ends on Sunday, so i promised to give him some time to ask his family whether they are interested and if they are, well.. i can book altogether at once! :DD
but Daddy..... *cross my fingers* dont gamble anymore, will you Daddy? dont put me in hell please... i really wanted to go. this was part of my birthday wish (my wish was that i could go Taiwan AND Pulau Redang in this year. hahaa..) which was made when HY's bf bought that Starbucks "birthday" teacake for me. and they even tease me, saying that i will manage to go eventually. hah~~ right. not under my circumtances now obviously. saddening isnt it.

meeting up with HY tomorrow. still owed her a meal and well, she suggest to go dutch (so kind of her, but no.. i wouldnt accept it ^^) after hearing part of my problems. well, this will be a busy weekend, because.. i'm meeting up with Redha (my malay "teacher" who taught me French! cool huh?) on Sunday! busy busy busy~ and i love being busy :D
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

has anyone ever hope that you werent even born to this world? well, i did. and for good reasons.

i didnt have my lunch today. correction: i did have my lunch but not complete without rice. Patricia prepared Nasi Lemak today. what are the important factors in NL? the coconut rice and heavenly fried chicken drumstick/wing. but the rice today.. the smell.. *vomit* it smelled like Indians~!!! *vomit vomit PUKE* really! when i pushed in a mouthful of rice, i was gagging disgustingly. i tried mixing it with chilli (lots of it in fact) and i could still smell it~ it was like... like i had bitten an Indian man's hand! it was THAT bad. because i really couldnt force the rice down my throat, i asked in a tiny voice whether could i not eat the rice. (our department's tradition: take only what you can finish.) luckily my manager didnt object to it. i wonder what's wrong with me anyway. everyone seemed okay with the rice, so why have i....? arh~ never mind.

then came the part why i feel that i shouldnt be born to this world. i was much doted on when i was younger. i had almost all the Barbies i laid my eyes on (okay, i'm exaggerating a little :p). but things changed when we all grew up. i spent whatever wages i had when i worked for Daniel Yam, and life was still quite carefree then. but after changing to office job and earning more, it became worse, especially recently. i hadnt manage to save any single cent since i came back from Tioman last year. i was lending Daddy $500 every month and he would only repay me like two or three hundreds while the rest will amount till the next month. 28th is a sunday, so i'll be getting my pay earlier - this friday. know what? i can confirm Daddy will borrow from me again. and yet my parents kept asking me where had i spent my money on? why didnt i save up, like my brother did? but WHAT? my salary isnt as much as my brother! what about the study loan from bank which i was still repaying? what about the lappie instalment which i have to continue paying, six months more after my study loan ends? then had an arguement with Alan as he was telling me not to lend my dad money this month, as i kept complaining that i hadnt manage to save for any trips abroad. but nowadays squabbles like this ends rather quickly and so i was quite relieved too.

sigh. it's devastating and depressing to state all these things out. and it's quite useless too. this is my life and i have but to accept it. seriously what else can i do~?? hmm?
Sunday, June 21, 2009

have you watch I love you, Man already?

well, i should just be frank: this movie wasnt worth your 10 bucks. throughout the movie, it was hilarious (and some really disgustedly-funnily-lame) yes, but doesnt make much sense. and the ending was the worst. the two men were saying ILoveYouS repeatedly at the altar of Peter's (Paul Rudd) wedding! i wonder what his bride (Rashida Jones) think of that~ seriously i couldnt imagine how i'd react if Alan's "best friend" were to came late to our supposed wedding and the both of them kept saying ILoveYouS to each another, in front of me while the priest is still waiting for the solemnization!! ye-eurgh~~!

after movie, we had dinner with his family at Yishun. since my family dont celebrate Father's Day so... it was a sumptuous meal, which consisted of Tom Yam soup, herbal chicken, two big fried fish, fried Sotong, pineapple rice, and a few dishes which i couldnt recall now. hahah..

sigh.. work again tomorrow. week after week, life is repeating itself. dont be so boring now would you?? shit, i think i need a vacation SOON. sigh.