Woke up with a serious sore throat but we proceeded with going Sentosa anyway. Dad fetched me to Woodlands, where we took a cab over afterwards. and yet he claimed that he didnt have much money left the other time~ -.-"
i was drinking white chocolate dream from Coffeebean the moment we reached. but we got our tickets for Images of Singapore first. It cost S$10/tix, well, that's okay. we kept fooling around once we were in. There were lots of pictures taken, i think it's easier you log into facebook and see them there. but i'll just post a few favourites here for my own sake :p 

We had a really good lunch somewhere along Siloso Beach. The food was delicious, but my throat - urgh! it's causing me too much pain, especially the fries! it's crunchy and salty but imagine i couldnt enjoy it!? *sigh*
This was something new. You can now feed stinggrays at S$3 per cup of food. i really enjoyed feeding, but at the same time when they sucked between your fingers - well, i couldnt really describe that itchy feeling :p
After Underwater World, we were sitting at some place, waiting for the Dolphine show to start at 5.30pm. we sat at this place and chatted while observing people that were walking past us. because it's Valentine's today, so quite a number of girls (guys too!) had flowers in their hands. Some were BIG bouquets, some only hold on tightly to one stalk of rose. whatever the case - they were better than nothing, not like me *hint hint* :p not that i really wanted one, but... it's nice having one, right? laughs. we had a large drink (from Coffeebean again), mocha i think, and it's was NICE! it added the cool effect that my throat needs. ^^
There we were! waiting for the show to start. we were at the 2nd row, and the first - well, it was occupied by some really tired tourists i guess. three men were sleeping (quite soundly i must add) in their chair, heads nodding. hahaha! 
This is a new trick i guessed. i havent seen this the last time we were here. the dolphin was 'transporting' the box of fishes to another guy on the stage far back.
Dancing dolphins. cute, wasnt it? oh i forgot to mention something. i was feeling quite mixed up today. all sorts of emotions surged through me like never before. and i cried during the show - out of the sudden. when Alan probed, i analysed and believed i cried because the dolphins were starved to get all these splendid results. and he laughed and patted me on my head before focusing the camera lens on them again. Thanks dear.
After the show, we went to take train to leave Sentosa. While waiting for boarding, i saw Melvin coming out of the cabin with his girlfriend. i couldnt see the face though, as she was already walking in front. we waved a quick hi and left.
Just under the train, constructions were taking place everywhere. it was scary to know that should the train failed, we would all die a more miserable death with all the stabs and piercing down under! Alan looked at me like i was insane. LOL~
After getting some snacks for Cherry, Boy and J-Lo (the dog at my office. yeah i know, the name... haha..), we took a train to Bugis. For your information, Alan hadnt gotten me anything - yet. So he thought that i could (and i would) definitely find something i wanted in Kinokuniya. :D That's Alan for you. romantic - not, but caring in an unspoken way. i love him all the same. we went V8 for dinner first (and i saw Joyce at the Singtel counter, talked briefly and left) - and i was quite irritated at that moment. As i said i was feeling damn emotional today, that's why. plus there were several factors, like the fact that i was DAMN HUNGRY and we had waited to be seated, and waited more after placing our orders. AND MY SORE THROAT WAS KILLING ME!!! It's shit. Here's an evidence for you. I was sicked, exhausted, angered, irritated, moody, hateful - all in one.

After dinner, we walked around at level one where people were still getting last minute gifts. He brought me up to one of those stores and i stared ahead, bored with the fact that he brought me (of all people!) to get my own gift! *yawn* i kept saying NO to everything he held up in front of me. and it suddenly hit him. he quickly pulled me up to Kino where my eyes quite instantly lit up. haha!! :p He serched frantically for a book that i once mentioned i will buy when i have the chance and money. but i couldnt remember at that moment. it seemed like i want practically 60% of the books there! *smile sheepishly* so i was quite touched when he held my left hand with his right, and Twilight in his left, to the cashier counter. *beaming*
thanks dear, for the wonderful Valentine's, although i had put you through hell on this day. the book make up my whole day!
what a nerd~