I first thought it's about Connor Mead (by Matthew McConaughey) being visited by some of his ex-girlfriends, and they would knock some sense into him to make him realize that his only love has always been Jenny Perrotti (by Jennifer Garner). however, it's just about showing him what he had done in the past (brought to him by the first "ghost"), what he's still doing right now (second "ghost") and what will happen in future if he continues his way (an "angel" who dont speak at all!). It has a nice storyline. light, funny and sweet; not touching though. just a simple movie with a story to tell.
i was looking on the internet for some photos to put up here when i came across Emma Stone's pictures at the movie premier. OMG~! she's... well, she's beautiful! just look at the three pictures below which are all Emma. the first one is Emma in the movie as Allison Vandermeersh, who is also the first "ghost" to visit Connor. the next two are Emma at the premier.